- Take shorter showers instead of baths every day.
- Consider shutting off the water in the shower while lathering and shampooing.
- Install low-flow showerheads.
- Do not run the hot water to warm the bathroom.
- Shut off water while shaving and brushing teeth.
- Put adequate water in the washbasin to wash hands instead of washing under running water.
- Repair leaky faucets and toilets immediately.
- DO NOT flush facial tissues, paper towels, cigarette butts, baby wipes or personal hygiene products down the toilet. Use moderate amounts of toilet paper that breaks up easily in water.
- The use of septic systems additives is discouraged.
Chemical Usage
- Do not use tub, tile and shower cleaners. They will move soaps thru the system to the drainfield. Try a squeegee instead to keep the film off the shower walls.
- Reduce use of cleaners by doing more scrubbing with fewer cleaners.
- Do not use “every flush” toilet bowl disinfectants that are placed in the tank.
- DO NOT dispose of unused prescriptions or other medications of any kind down the drains. They have a huge negative impact on the ecosystem. They do not break down. They will travel to the groundwater, lakes, rivers and streams. High concentrations of antibiotics and chemicals can retard or kill the growth of good bacteria in your septic system. Some studies are pointing to mutations in fish and other aquatic species.
- Limit use of antibacterial soaps. They too can have a negative impact on the ecosystem.